When we look at Salesforce, the world’s leading CRM platform, thousands of businesses manage sensitive data within the platform. Its security protocols ensure that businesses can manage their data easily and quickly, and without risks (whether through employee negligence, malicious intent on the part of employees, or cyber attacks by third parties).
For ease of use, Salesforce employees may opt to manage CRM data offline in spreadsheets. This is a vulnerability that Salesforce customers need to mitigate. This can happen due to usability issues or resistance to change on the part of employees. To keep data within Salesforce, businesses need to ensure a user experience that is intuitive and efficient.
Valorx Fusion allows Salesforce users to connect their existing spreadsheets to Salesforce, so they can manage Salesforce data from a spreadsheet UI. The data never leaves the CRM but can be edited/updated using every Excel capability. Fusion has helped businesses drive Salesforce process adoption with this capability, among other benefits. But those new to the tool may have security concerns.
This article takes a close look at how Fusion provides an improved Salesforce user experience while keeping data secure. Fusion does not move or store business data outside of Salesforce at any point in time. As a managed package available on the AppExchange, Fusion is entirely compliant with Salesforce’s own security measures.
What is a Managed Package?
A managed package on the Salesforce AppExchange is an app that you can install within your Salesforce environment to add new features or enhance existing ones. These packages are developed by third-party companies or developers who specialize in creating tools that help users work more efficiently in Salesforce.
There are several ways Salesforce ensures data security with its managed packages. First, the package creators control access to the underlying code, meaning only they can see and modify it. This controlled access reduces the risk of unauthorized changes or exposure to vulnerabilities, helping keep a Salesforce environment secure.
Managed packages are also designed to be updated automatically by the developers. This means Salesforce users receive the latest features and security updates without having to manually intervene, ensuring that the system remains up-to-date and protected against new threats.
Additionally, Salesforce itself enforces strict security guidelines that all managed packages must follow to be listed on the AppExchange in the first place. This means that business data is well-protected because the packages comply with Salesforce’s own rigorous security standards.
Now let’s get into the nitty gritty of how Valorx works with Salesforce to ensure the utmost level of data security for your business.
Valorx Fusion honors Salesforce’s security model
To connect your Valorx Excel application to Salesforce you are utilizing your own Salesforce authentication. Every individual that logs in is trackable within Salesforce. Users sign in through Salesforce’s OAuth 2.0 screen with their own user id and password. By logging in through the Salesforce OAuth screen, a user’s access to data is maintained by their profile, role, and already existing permission sets.
Fusion supports single sign on
Single sign on (SSO) is a useful tool that many companies leverage. It enables users to access multiple applications with one login and one password. According to Salesforce, “you can set up your Salesforce org to trust a third-party identity provider to authenticate users or you can configure a third-party app to rely on your org for authentication.”.
Every system field by Salesforce is the same in Fusion
Valorx does not create or change Salesforce’s system fields. System fields in Valorx are noneditable and records created and modified using Valorx will be handled by Salesforce. That way, any changes to the Salesforce data are auditable.
Valorx Supports Field History Tracking
Field history tracking in Salesforce will continue to work as is even if updates are coming directly from Fusion. Users will be able to view the audit history for changes performed via Fusion the exact same way as if they were making the changes in the Salesforce browser view or mobile app. Users can track the field history of custom objects and certain standard objects including:

Encrypted Fields are supported through Valorx
Valorx maintains user and customer security by supporting Salesforce’s encrypted fields. Valorx will assure that any standard or custom fields encrypted on Salesforce will be encrypted on Valorx as well.
Data collision in Salesforce vs Fusion
In Salesforce, two users cannot edit the same record simultaneously. Valorx enables data collision at a field level so if two users are editing two different fields on the same record, both users will be able to save their data. This does not occur if two users are making changes to the exact same field within the same record. Valorx supports Salesforce’s data collision policy.
Error Handling in Fusion
By leveraging Salesforce API’s, all error messaging in Fusion comes directly from Salesforce. Required fields, validation rules, triggers are common messages a user may see in Salesforce when experiencing an error. A user can clearly see which record and field needs to be fixed and perform subsequent saves to fix all data.
API calls in Valorx
Valorx can retrieve data for a single or multiple objects using a smart retrieval method which is configurable through the Valorx workflow engine. This allows for 100’s and 1000’s of records to be retrieved and displayed in second. The same goes for saving records back to Salesforce.
Productivity and Security with Valorx
Valorx Fusion ensures the utmost level of security for its users. There is no advantage to being more productive, if your business is suddenly more vulnerable to data security breaches.
Today we work with a number of reputable brands including NVIDIA, Adobe, BP Oil & Gas, Aptiv, Siemens, Synopsis, Teladoc Health, and Western Digital to support their Salesforce productivity needs. We’ve helped them to solve complex quoting, forecasting, and data management challenges that seemed impossible to overcome before Fusion.
To learn more, see the product in action. Get a Fusion demo today.
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