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Fast & easy Salesforce data editing

A faster way to work with Salesforce data so you can spend time on the work that matters to you.

  • Bulk data editing
  • Editable Salesforce reports
  • Error-free data import
  • Data visualization & collaboration
Why Valorx

A better way to work with your Salesforce data.

A spreadsheet interface right in your browser (or embedded in Salesforce) to work with your CRM data. Get an intuitive experience that feels familiar and makes you more efficient.

Bulk Salesforce Data Editing

Save yourself minutes or even hours every week. Mass update hundreds or thousands of records in seconds, with familiar spreadsheets features like click & drag, copy & paste and mass modifier. Changes are saved immediately and your data never leaves Salesforce.

Editable Salesforce reports

Tired of having to edit records from a report one by one, or even worse, exporting a report to update records? With Valorx Wave, you can work on the data in your Salesforce reports from a spreadsheet interface, allowing you to mass update records as needed.

Error-free data import

Make rinse-and-repeat Salesforce imports a thing of the past. Wave's Smart Import makes importing effortless. Preview & edit lets you see errors in real-time so you can fix them before importing. Intelligent mapping can semantically match fields and save your mappings for future imports. You can even save your imported data as a Wave grid, allowing you to come back and update those records as many times as you need.

Data Visualization & Collaboration

Ever wished you could use the best spreadsheet features to work with your Salesforce data? With Wave, you can work on records in a spreadsheet-like grid, with familiar features like conditional formatting, row/column grouping, auto-filter, search and more. If you're collaborating with colleagues, you can share a Wave grid so you're both working from the same view.

How Valorx customers get the most value from their data

"Valorx has made complicated data uploads quick and easy, saving valuable time. The implementation was quick and the support simply top notch!"

Dawn Jamieson

Business Operations Manager, Nvidia

Western Digital-min

"We use Valorx for sales forecasting. Very powerful, highly recommend the product. Excellent customer service and exceptionally fast turnaround time."

Karthik Dosapati

Data Analyst, Western Digital


"Valorx is the best fusion of speed and functionality I have come across. I compared several competitors and Valorx was the best hands down, it's simply incredible."

Jared Dugger

Senior Manager, Sales Operations, Adobe


Get Wave wherever you need it.

A spreadsheet experience for Salesforce to make working with data easier.

Wave is free.

Boost your productivity today

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